Monday, September 26, 2011


It's officially two days after my 22nd birthday. I'm feelin' old, friends.

I know, I know. It's silly, really. Twenty-two is really not that old.

But why do I feel old? Is it the fact that when 11 o'clock rolls around each night, I'm thinking it's time for bed? Or is it because for the past year and a half, my clothing taste automatically favors more items in the womens' section than juniors'?

...I think I might have it figured out. This is a big - I mean, huge - year for me. In two-and-a-half months, graduation. A month after that, marriage. One week after that (hopefully), moving into the first place Eric or I can call 'ours', and (hopefully) starting some great new jobs.

I'm ready for that crazy month chocked full of life changes. I literally can not wait for all of those things to happen. But I think that being "old enough" for all of those things to be in my life's equation is what makes me feel old, aside from having no birthdays to look forward to until I'm 30 - banking on the fact that I'll be excited about turning 30, and in somewhat of a shape.

Just my thoughts on turning 22. It felt a little weird. A benefit of my most recent birthday? Eric and I took one of thee best pictures we have ever taken (see below). Fo reals.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

aaaaannnnnddddd, I'm back.

It's been a while. I'd apologize, but I don't know of anyone who checked my blog every day during my 4ish-month hiatus. So, I'm not sorry. Just lazy.

Summer was weird. Usually, you hear laments that the sweet season flew by. My summer started off sprinting, then went into a coma, and ended in a comfortable power walk. I could tell you what I did, but I might as well not drown you in the probable boredom, and will keep it to a list instead: work, wedding planning, finding out I hate cooking for myself (as in, one person), and learning to drive a stick shift. Also, Eric and I consumed lots of pizza. Oh, and we got lots of awesome gifts - like a Keurig - at a bridal shower.

So what am I up to now? Welp, school has started again. That, my friends, took off like a Kenyan marathoner. I'm leading two student groups, working on my senior seminar project, and trying to enjoy my last semester as a college student. I'm also three months out from my wedding, and trying to give what I've been told is the most important day of my life the attention it deserves. Life is good, friends. It's busy, quite difficult to follow at times, and requiring lots of late night/early morning combinations.

I originally was going to vacation from blogging until I finally decided what I wanted to blog on. I know that blogging doesn't have to be this super well-thought out thing, or that each blog has to have a specific reason for existing other than for its author to write. But, I've always wanted to have a blog with purpose, talking to particular topics, like family, faith, fashion, relationships, and other stuff I like to think I'm knowledgeable on.

...And then, I realized that I really missed blogging. I missed submitting my random thoughts to the cyber world's critique. And I really missed writing, which, in this case, is synonymous with typing.

Lesson learned? Not everything I do in life has to serve a specified purpose, as long as I enjoy it. So with that, thank you for reading, and bask in the things you love, even if they only matter to you. Welcome back, and let's hope I'm better at supplying you with silly, useless thoughts.

It's good to be back,