Luckily, for the few that read this (or maybe I'm delusional about readership), nothing too life-changing has happened since I turned 22. I turned in the dreadful senior seminar project, and 6300 words later, I consider myself a self-taught expert on crisis communication. For anyone facing an undesirable, more-than-likely-unexpected situation that pins you as the bad guy, always, always tell the truth, my friends. Crisis communication 101.
I get the "So, how's wedding planning going?" question a lot. And I think the last 10 times I've answered that question, it's been with, "Umm, pretty good. I'm not really doing anything, I guess." Ninety-five percent of the time, this is followed by a look of shock, mixed with a little horror and judgment. Call me 'Sally', but wedding planning doesn't necessarily get my pantyhose in a bunch, a.k.a. it doesn't stress me out that much. I was grateful enough to have a fiance' that proposed to me a year before our wedding date, so to be honest, all that big stuff that I have to figure out was figured out almost a year ago. This has fared to be a great setup for us, given that we're both freaking out about something WAY bigger right now....*scary music*
Ahhh, yes. The full-time, salaried occupation that is every college student's recurring nightmare. Let me tell you, it has been nothing short of that. I don't know who has it worse - my super-genius other half that has interviewed in almost every region of the country but hasn't cemented anything down just yet; or me, the I-thought-my-major-would-take-me-places communicator who couldn't interest an employer if my appendages were chicken strips. We're really hugging the "All You Need is Love" theme right now. My secret fallback is to move to California in search for happiness as I wear white cotton and linen, holding hands with my beloved. Sound like the mid-60s to '70s? I thought you'd say that. Fortunately, neither E or I own VW vans; we represent the Honda Civic and Chevy Cobalt-ites. Much different, I assure you.
But since it was just Thanksgiving, I am thankful - for many things, to say the least. I am thankful God blessed me with a brain, and that He was gracious enough to give E one, too. We've been working like sleigh dogs this semester, and are crossing our paws that it'll show in our precious online student portal accounts.
I'm thankful that God has blessed me with a sincere, affectionate, genuine, brutally-honest, and ever-hilarious fiance'. The senior scramble is in full-swing at Trinland right now, and I'm glad to be one of the lucky ones that snatched her prince up three years ago. Wedding planning is relaxed for us, which has resulted in very few arguments that other couples typically experience. We've taken the approach more similar to that of a party planning committee. ...Ok, so we're not as ridiculous OR cool as "The Office", but party planning is definitely our vocab when it comes to the wedding.
And yes, I am thankful for the insecurity of job hunting (and missing). It's scary, emotionally-exhausting, time-consuming, and frustrating in simplest terms. But it's also humbling, and experiences like this are something everyone needs a little of in their life. And it has to be said: E and I have definitely learned where the strength to apply for loads of jobs we won't get needs to come from. Those little reminders from God are always a little bittersweet, but most definitely heavier on the 'sweet'.
Up next time: my and E's engagement photos! But for now, just a taste - you know, to keep you coming back for more, of course.

i'm imagining dipping someone's arm in bbq sauce and taking a big bite. haha great post :)